Good News Friday
June 07, 2024
Dear Patriot,
Eighty years ago Thursday - June 6, 1944 - Allied Forces launched Operation Overlord, known as D-Day, to liberate France from Nazi Germany.
We are thinking about this great battle and marveling at the fearlessness and valor that was displayed.
On the eve of the invasion, General Dwight D. Eisenhower distributed a message to the men who would carry out that mission.
It read, in part:
"You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hope and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you... I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory! Good luck! And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.”
Against all odds, over 150,000 U.S., British, and Canadian troops stormed the beaches of Normandy. Through sheer grit they ultimately succeeded; thus changing the course of the war and the world.
We remember the brave, patriotic warriors, and many were teenagers, who stormed those beaches.
4,414 sons gave their lives.
We thank God for each and every one.
They saved the world.
1- We don’t realize it but, there are very few, if any, real journalism pieces written about conservatives. For that reason, we share this piece on Governor DeSantis.
Like you all, we don't agree with every politician or policy but we do recognize when there is one who is trying govern in sensible ways. We need to know this and share this information. Conservative policies work every time they are tried.
America's governor
QUOTE: In the aftermath of 9/11, as he attended hundreds of funerals and held New York City together, Rudy Giuliani became America’s mayor. He rose to the occasion and set an example for every other mayor in the nation. None of them followed, and within two decades, NYC reverted back to being a sewer of crime.
Nearly a quarter-century later, a new hero has arisen on Florida. Ron DeSantis has become America’s governor. He may not be president next year, but he is a force to be dealt with who has shown that conservatives can make a big difference at the state level.
From opposing the totalitarian handling of covid to chasing LGBT groomers from the schools to deporting illegal aliens to sanctuary cities, DeSantis has shown that social issues matter and conservatives can win on them.
When Red China and Tony the Phony Fauci unleashed covid 19 upon the nation, DeSantis made sure Florida was one of the first states to open back up. The media carried water for the Faucists by portraying Florida as a hotbed of covid.
In Florida, as the Carpenters once sang, DeSantis had only just begun. He took on redistricting next. After his Republican legislators wimped out in their plan, DeSantis vetoed it and drew his own map. The media, as always, called it racist. The federal courts declared it constitutional. DeSantis picked up four seats for Republicans, giving them a majority in Congress.
Then DeSantis took on LGBT teachers who groom kids. His Parental Rights In Education Act protected elementary school kids from predatory teachers. The press called it the Don’t Say Gay law.
2- One Soros prosecutor down!
Florida Supreme Court Upholds Governor Ron DeSantis's Firing of Soros-Backed Prosecutor
QUOTE: Once in a while, it's good to take a look at Florida, where Governor Ron DeSantis just keeps notching up the wins. In the latest such event, the Florida Supreme Court handed the governor a win when they upheld his August 2023 firing of Soros-backed State Attorney Monique Worrel.
The Florida Supreme Court ruled in favor of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' decision to remove a Soros-backed prosecutor on Thursday.
DeSantis had suspended State Attorney Monique Worrel in August 2023, accusing her of "dereliction of duty" when it comes to crime. Worrel sued for reinstatement, arguing her removal was an "arbitrary, unsubstantiated exercise of the suspension power." Thursday's 6-1 ruling shut down her plans.
The opinion reads like the state attorney in question, Monique Worrel, was judging cases not individually but by creating categories of not offenses but offenders, some of whom, as the saying goes, were more equal than others. As a matter of principle, a prosecutor, in general, has the discretion to prosecute individual cases based on the merits of the case, which may encompass everything from evidence gathered to the age of the perp, prior record, and so on — but those cases must be judged individually, which does not appear to be the criteria used by Monique Worrel.
As far as the Soros connection, Worrel had, during her 2020 campaign, received $1.5 million in support from "Our Vote Our Voice," which is funded in part by George Soros's "Democracy Now."
3- It is good that people have broken the Hollywood Habit. Not much there is worthy of our attention.
Woke Hollywood Panics – ‘People Are Not in the Moviegoing Habit!’
QUOTE: The domestic box office is down 24 percent compared to last year and 42 percent—42 percent! lol—compared to 2019, the last pre-pandemic year.
And yes, Hollywood is panicking, but Hollywood and the sycophantic Hollywood media are still lying to themselves (and to us) about the reason why.
“We are concerned,” one studio insider told the far-left Hollywood Reporter. “People are not in the moviegoing habit [.]”
Yeah, they’re not in the moviegoing habit because movies suck.
That’s what’s killing moviegoing—movies suck. Ever since Hollywood went woke, and we’re talking five dreadful years now, more and more people have wisely given up their “moviegoing habit.”
Naturally, Hollywood and its sycophantic media refuse to admit this. Instead of looking at this year’s flops and asking why they flopped, they blame last year’s strike.
4- We are not naive enough to think that some of these babies were not murdered in other places, but West Virginia is saving a lot of babies.
West Virginia Abortions Drop 98% as Abortion Ban Saves Babies
QUOTE: In 2023, there were 16 abortions reported in West Virginia, a decrease of 98% from the previous year. There was similarly a drop of 98% in drug-induced abortions between 2022 (403 drug-induced abortions) and 2023 (10 drug-induced abortions). Drug-induced abortions constituted 63% of the total in 202). The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) estimates that West Virginia’s 2023 abortion rate was 0.1 abortions per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44, down 98.1% from 2022. As of May 2024, 6 states have released 2023 abortion statistics, four of which reported that abortions decreased from the previous year.
5- We hope these guys have a wonderful time at their party sponsored by grateful and patriotic Americans.
Frat Boy Summer: $500K Raised for Fraternity That Protected Flag, Throwing 'Epic Party' Flagstock 2024
QUOTE: The GoFundMe for the UNC fraternity brothers who protected the American Flag during pro-Palestinian campus riots cleared $500,000 — and an epic party is incoming.
“We owe all freedom-loving Americans an update on our progress,” the announcement said. “Flagstock 2024 planning is in full swing! We have established Pints for Patriots to plan and execute the event, liaise with UNC Chapel Hill officials, handle security, and handle logistics.”
“Nothing unifies America like an epic party,” Organize John Noonan told Fox News Digital. The location will be announced closer to the event, but the party will be free of charge for all invited guests.
“These great young guys defended our flag and created a unifying national cultural moment,” the update said. “Everyone in America wanted to thank these fine young patriots. On Labor Day, we will get to do just that. Pints for Patriots is grateful to all donors who made the party possible.”
Back on April 30th, one of the fraternity brothers shared pictures, video, and a message about protecting Old Glory during the protests.
6- We advocate, when possible, that you all detach from “instant news” and take a moment to think deeper about all the things. In that spirit, we point you to the Shawn Ryan Podcast with Tucker Carlson. It is a three hour conversation which covers subjects that you probably have not thought about. It is smart and interesting. If you have the time, we think you will enjoy it. (Note: there is some spicy language….)
Or watch on YouTube here:
Episode #115 Tucker Carlson - Revolution, World War 3, WTC Building 7 and Supernatural Phenomenon
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